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If you like reading thought-provoking articles describing important research and veterinary wellness topics, then this blog is for you. We discuss cutting edge content pertinent to veterinary mental health and wellbeing, including the latest published research studies and relevant information for inspiring positive change in the veterinary profession.
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How and Why To Access Mental Health Support (Whether in Crisis or Not)
In my veterinary career, I have seen firsthand the toll the profession can take on mental health. There have been multiple times throughout my work as a vet tech when…
Why we need to be careful how we talk about suicides among veterinary professionals
Hardly a week goes by when I don’t receive a Google alert or see some glaring headline about suicides in the veterinary profession. Even Time Magazine has weighed in on…
Five Tips for Battling Burnout in Veterinary Practice
Do you feel emotionally drained by your clients? Are you frustrated by your work or feel that you are working too hard? Does working with people all day require massive…
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Seven Strategies for Getting More Exercise
When veterinary team members come to me for wellness coaching, I often hear “I know I should exercise more, but I can never seem to make it happen. What advice…
Ethically Challenging Situations Have Risen Dramatically in Veterinary Medicine During the Pandemic
Ethically challenging situations (ECS) are not new to veterinary medicine, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made them much more common. The tremendous toll that ECS impose on all members of…
Five Simple Steps for Responding to Negative Online Reviews
There’s nothing that compares to that sick sinking feeling that we experience when we see a 1-star online review. These reviews are often filled with CAPS LOCK words and proclamations…
Make Wellbeing a Reality By Resolving to Schedule Self-Care
As we forge ahead into the new year and think about the priorities and goals we want to set for ourselves, I urge you to put scheduling self-care at the…
Ten Practical Tips for Promoting Brain Health
I am pretty sure that every single adult worries about their cognitive health at some point in their life. A few years ago, when I read the fictional book Still…
What can be done about the shortage of veterinarians in emergency practice?
Anyone working in companion animal practice in the USA, Canada, and many other parts of the world, is well aware of the current crisis impacting emergency veterinary hospitals. Over the…
What You can Do to Reduce Veterinary Technician Burnout
As a veterinarian specializing in emergency and critical care medicine, I can honestly say that I am useless without my technicians. More appropriately termed veterinary nurses, my vet techs are…
Let’s Do Our Part to Prevent Suicide Among Veterinary Professionals
It’s rare that a week goes by when I don’t receive a Google alert telling me that another article has been published mentioning the staggering stats of suicide among veterinary…
When do coping strategies become harmful for veterinary care providers?
We’ve all been there. Nearing the end of a horrible shift with not an ounce of energy left; all we can think about is getting home to our couch, favourite…